mental health & nutrition


I notice a big difference in my overall mental health when I am feeding my body with foods that make me feel good and staying hydrated. this doesn’t mean eating clean all the time or not drinking alcohol ever, but rather prioritizing how you want to feel. my dear friend and nutritionist, Mia Rigden, always reminds me that “nutrition is not about perfection, it's about consistency. rigidity is stressful and that added stress is counterproductive to your goals.” I try to take that stance when it comes to my eating lifestyle and keep some consistency overall. Here are a few tips for supporting your mental health as it relates to nutrition.

pay attention

of course there are known foods that will most likely disrupt the gut microbiome like processed foods, refined carbohydrates, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, coffee, etc. but what I’ve found is that it is about knowing how your body reacts. everyone reacts to certain foods differently, and understanding which of those disrupt your digestion, energy levels, hormone health, etc. can make a world of difference. for me, taking time to slow down and really pay attention to my body has helped me make better decisions for my overall well-being. 

be mindful of your stress levels

it is crazy how much our stress levels affect our gut health. I always knew this but didn’t fully grasp it until I really focused on fixing my gut, which is still a work in progress. we internalize so much, which in turn affects how our body functions. stress and anxiety are usually the root of almost all digestive issues, so being mindful of the stress you can control will only help your digestion. 

set yourself up for success

going into the week knowing that I have lunches filled with protein and veggies ready to go in the fridge or grab-and-go snacks that give me energy takes the pressure of deciding what to eat off while setting yourself up to stay on track. there are some weeks when I will meal prep because I have the time and feel motivated to grocery shop and cook. other times, it is nearly impossible in my schedule, so I turn to meal delivery services to get me there in a different way. here are some of my favorites


I love Mediterranean-inspired anything really so Eat Sunny meal delivery already had my attention before trying it. their meals are filling and don’t leave you hungry. I love the variety of options, plus the snacks. 

use code BYDRIA for 20% off Eat Sunny.


I recently tried this and loved it, but whenever I do any type of “cleanse,” I do it my way and how it works for me. I don’t do well on a liquid-only diet but love a reset for my body. this cleanse has a list of approved foods you can eat so it is manageable, and my energy stays up. I love incorporating bone broth into my daily intake. it’s packed with nutrition and protein and gives my gut a break from working so hard to digest. Owl Venice also has this organic magic mylkshake that is so delicious. it regulates my blood sugar and gives me energy. 

use code dria10 for 10% off OWL Venice.


I like the paleo plan at daily dose. it's a great option for when you don’t want to have to think about what to eat but still get a balanced diet with lean protein, a lot of fiber and low carbs. if I have a busy week but really want to stay on track I like to do this. 

snack smart

we all know the feeling when your blood sugar gets low and the word “hangry” describes your mood; you reach for whatever is available, most likely something that won’t actually help your cortisol levels. I have gotten better at this overtime, but it’s very helpful to have things on hand for these potential mood dips. 

on the go: TRADER JOES raw almonds (ideally the pack of pre-packaged minis) // SWEET NOTHINGS nut butter bites // DR. SMOOD smart bar 

when I’m home: apple or rice cake with a nut butter // olives and cashews // avocado with HU KITCHEN crackers or SIMPLE MILLS crackers


why do so many of us forget to breathe deeply? most likely you aren’t getting enough oxygen to your body to fully relax. try and breathe from your abdomen slowly more frequently. just taking 5 slow breaths can promote a better mood and more optimal digestion. 

have a bedtime routine

to quote Mia again, “leave 3 hours between dinner and bedtime. allow your body to fully digest your last meal before bed to help get a deeper, more restful night's sleep.” I struggle with this because my guilty pleasure is snacking while watching a show on my couch, so I’ve had to pay more attention to timing. even having dessert too close to bedtime can lead to tossing and turning… which leads to less sleep and in turn leads to more opportunity for an imbalance in your mood. 



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mental health & mood