tools for lymphatic drainage


first off, your lymphatic system is part of your immune system so it has tons of functions. this system is not only responsible for removing waste and keeping your digestive tract moving, but it’s also responsible for protecting you from illnesses your body can come across. so there are endless reasons why you should pay attention to keeping your lymphatic system healthy. here are a few things I do to keep it all moving:

1. dry brushing

it’s best to do first thing in the morning to wake up your lymphatic system, but I love to do a mini sesh to wake my body up for the night if I am feeling sluggish. it increases blood circulation and reduces inflammation. I love this dry brush because it has a nice balance of rough yet gentle (some dry brushes can be almost painful), so it has been my go-to for awhile. I start from the bottom and work up. best to do this before any sauna, infrared heat or shower. I also use the Goop Beauty G.Tox Ultimate Dry Brush. it is a little tougher but I need that sometimes.

2. body gua sha tool

if I really want to relieve tension and fluid retention and the dry brush isn’t cutting it, I also use this body gua sha tool. just like the facial gua sha tool I mentioned in my sleep essentials, it helps relieve tension in the body and tone the skin.

I use Symbiome’s body oil when I use this tool. it has a combination of caffeine and chlorogenic acid found in their fermented green coffee oil, which helps to tone and brighten the skin. I use this all year round but make sure to especially hydrate the skin when focusing on lymphatic drainage.

use code Dria20 for 20% off Symbiome.

3. infrared sauna or sauna blanket

I love the benefits I have seen from the higherDOSE sauna blanket. everytime I do it I ask myself why I don’t do it more. I wear sweats and a sweatshirt with long socks and get in with a book or turn on a show. I will try to do it for 45 minutes. if I have access to an infrared sauna I will do that and dry brush inside to really boost that circulation and eliminate water retention.

use code dria75 for $75 off higherDOSE.

4. legs-up-the-wall pose

putting your legs up against a wall improves circulation, especially if you sit at a desk all day. this simple yoga pose activates the relaxation response (parasympathetic nervous system) and deactivates the stress response (sympathetic nervous system). I find (when I remember to do it before bed) that it helps me unwind from a long day, relieves stress, and releases so much tension. it just feels so damn good when I do it. even if you only have 5 minutes, you can benefit from this position. who knew something so simple could do so much! 

5. hydrate

staying hydrated is of course so important with all these practices. electrolytes can help speed up the hydration process also so don’t sleep on those. my fav is Superieur Electrolytes.

use code bydria20 for 20% off Superieur Electrolytes.


everyday beauty


sleep essentials