holiday wellbeing

how to manage, make time for wellness, and recover


so these tips are very simple. nothing is ground breaking here, but I think it's important to have these small reminders to manage stress, get some wellness in during this crazy busy time, and then recover. I know I need them during this time.

1. move your body

I find it hard to fit in my normal fitness routine during the holidays. instead of giving it up altogether, I try to give myself some grace and do what I can. it sounds simple but even getting 30 minutes or one class in helps keep your mental and physical health in check. I lay out my bala mat, grab my bala bangles and do a quick floor workout or keep my bangles on for a walk.

2. drink all the water

even if you are indulging in all the cocktails (because I know I am), hydrating prevents you from completely depleting your system. I am constantly dehydrated even when I feel like I am drinking tons of water, so I look to electrolytes for some assistance. I have tried so many and most have so much sugar in them. I finally found Superieure Electrolytes thanks to an amazing practitioner I am working with, and I can't get enough. the watermelon flavor is my favorite. 

also something I learned from the founder that I never thought about was how you need carbs and calories to get the benefits of an electrolyte. this is because digestion is required in order for minerals to get to the small intestine, and the small intestine is where minerals are absorbed.

use code bydria for 20% off.

3. sleep

again simple but for me in particular, it makes all the difference. sleep affects every aspect of your functioning from mood and energy to memory and cognitive performance so trying to get those 8 hours in is key to keep going, manage and recover. when I am really struggling to calm my mind I take Prima’s sleep tight and/or the chill out chews

use code dria for 20% off.

4. take a moment for some alone time

when it's the holiday season, it's hard to find some alone time. it can be so rejuvenating to take even 20 minutes to go on a solo walk, have some downtime on the couch, meditate, or do whatever you need to do to recharge. it can definitely make you feel guilty during time with family, but it will ultimately make your time with them more rewarding because you will be recharged.

5. get your greens in

during this time, I always find it hard to get my greens in. that is when athletic greens comes in handy. it's incredibly convenient and quick, which is just what I need, helps fill in my nutrient gaps, and benefits my overall gut health. price point doesn’t hurt either.

*shop Athletic Greens here for 5 travel packs and a year supply of Vitamin D3+K2


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